Thursday, June 20, 2013

Winchester Bay, Oregon - part 2

End of the Tour...

Susan sustained a broken wrist in a fall from her bike while we scouting our camp site at Discovery RV Park on Wednesday. Freak incident, really; we were going about .001 mph and her bike bumped mine and down she went, breaking her wrist trying to catch her fall. The irony is that it was the long and steep 40 mph descents that caused me the concern for a fall, not a stroll thru a campground!

shit happens. we had a great adventure while it lasted. we will finish this tour in the future from where left off ...

back home to re-group. we have many ideas for other adventures this summer !

and, as our team motto goes: improvise, adapt, and overcome.  ciao folks, and thanks for following along.


  1. well that sucks. murphy's all happened when least expected. congrats on what you accomplished and saw...isn't bike touring the best? heal up girl. you will be back on the road in no time!!

  2. I hate to hear this! Sorry you had to cut your trip short. Safe travels and get well soon.

    Kim Treacy

  3. It never fails that the difficult and challenging parts of the ride are not where one gets hurt. Trust me, after 2 shoulder surgeries, both accidents from trivial "nothing" events. Go figure. Susan, I hope you heal quickly. This is one of those meant to be things, and judging from the daily reports your biking exceeded all expectations. Congratulations on what you did accomplish and experience on this ride. Those incredible and spectacular scenes you have etched in your mind will carry you through your recovery. Best wishes to both of you for a safe and fun ride back to the great state of Texas.

  4. I am so sorry to hear your trip ended this way! At least you got to see some beautiful spots before hand, make sure to go back and hit up the Redwoods sometime, those were pretty amazing (but you missed out on a bunch of rain...not so amazing). Hope you are well!

    -Roberta & Dave
