Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pacific City, Oregon

Cape Lookout

Sandlake Recreational Area

Day 9 = 29.9 miles
Total = 335.5 miles

Tough ride today....lots of long steep hills. Saw a bald eagle!!!! I can mark that one off my bucket list. Beautiful scenery. We rode through Sandlake Recreation Area - it is a really cool area where high winds blow beach sand up the mountains to create sand dunes. Residents have to have a permit to remove sand from their property.

Ended the day at Pacific City. Someone left a comment yesterday about this place. We stopped in at the local micro-brewery and had pizza and beer. We are staying at Webb County Park. They have these adorable black rabbits EVERYWHERE. We appreciate and love everyone's comments...please sign your name to them - they are showing published from "anonymous" so we have no idea who is leaving them.

Considering taking a day off tomorrow....we aren't tearing up the miles but we are really working hard for each and every one of them.


  1. I'm very impressed with your endurance and stamina. Hope y'all are enjoying the rustic accommodations? Looking good! Enjoying your blog. Cheryl Kennedy
